Who: Booey and Katie
Where: Cleveland, Ohio
Bundle They Played: Couple Bundle (personalized)

When Booey Met Katie
Just like my favorite classic rom-com couple Harry and Sally (if you haven’t seen When Harry Met Sally, stop reading this blog and immediately take yourself to rom-com heaven), Booey and Katie were friends before their relationship turned romantic. They met working at the architecture firm Westlake Reed Leskosky, where Katie worked as an architect and Booey was the IT guy. A Photoshop crash damaged Katie’s computer and Booey was able to repair it, which is totally a modern day version of a knight in shining armor! No wonder she married him! While Katie and Booey were still dating, Katie was looking to buy a house and Booey was going to move in with her. They found their dream house but it was a bigger project than Katie could handle on her own and she was hesitant. Booey took her to dinner and told Katie that he wanted to buy the house together and make it their own. It was at that moment that Katie knew that she loved Booey so deeply and wanted to live life with him. (The computer fixing would have done it to me but I appreciate that Katie is a little bit more discerning!)
Welcome to the World, Pip!
Katie and Booey welcomed their baby boy, Pip, into the world in October 2017. The day Pip was born, there was a big Ohio State vs. Penn State and Booey was very invested in being able to watch it. A true Ohio State fan in training, Pip waited to make his appearance until 9pm that evening so his dad could watch the game. According to Katie, Pip is a “little mini Booey” who is so hilarious and active. Pip has a chin dimple like his dad and grey eyes like his mom! He loves the water and the beach just like his swimmer parents and the family has already enjoyed going on adventures together.
A New Valentine’s Day Tradition
Every year for Valentine’s Day, Katie buys Booey underwear. (Hey, it’s a practical gift, who doesn’t need underwear?!) The first year they were dating, Booey opened his gift in a restaurant and even though it was in a nondescript box, he got embarrassed. This year for Valentine’s Day, Katie decided to supplement her underwear gift with a Bundle! We felt really lucky to get to know this amazing couple and their family through making their game and we hope to continue to be a part of their Valentine’s Day tradition. Maybe Bundle will have a partnership with MeUndies by then.