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Do It Yourself Board Game

You know you want to live that board game life...

do it yourself board games the bundle game
When your board game fits in a bag ;)

Are you a board game person? We know how to find each other. When we aren't playing board games or making them, we are talking about them and sometimes even taking Buzzfeed quizzes about games. Not all board games are created equally/for all people. For example, Settlers of Cattan - we know people love it. We've played it. We have nothing AGAINST it. (Please don't come for us on this one.) But it's just not our thing. We are more Catchphrase and Clue gals. Everyone has their favorites, but if you're a board game connoisseur, you have probably felt compelled to make your own - if you have done this please slide into our DMs @thebundlegame and share your photos because we would love to see it! If you're feeling really creative but want a little bit of guidance in how to make your own game, you can order a custom game from us and we will help you create your own. How do we do that, you say? Let us take you on the journey.

We present: The Bundle Blueprint

DIY board games Bundle

No one knows and loves (and are occasionally annoyed by) the people in your life more than you. We will work together using our Bundle Blueprint to make a custom game all about your favorite people. You fill out our questionnaire and include all of your favorite memories, inside jokes, random stories - and yes, even photos - and we put it all together to make 83 custom cards that are unique to your people.

What does it look like?

custom games the bundle game

make your own board game The Bundle Game
BYOS- Bring Your Own Snacks

DIY game creation Bundle Game

We can't wait to help you make your custom board game - link to order here. But in the meantime - WE NEED TO KNOW:

What results did you get in that Buzzfeed quiz? Comment below so our inquiring minds can be satisfied.


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All copyright, patent, intellectual and other property in the information contained on this website is held by Bundle LLC.  No rights of any kind are licensed or assigned or shall otherwise pass to persons accessing this information.  You may download or print copies of the information contained within this website for your own private non-commercial use only, provided that you do not change any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices; all other copying of such information is prohibited.

A note about privacy:

Here at Bundle, we love sharing in your stories. Making personalized board games with your favorite memories, traditions, and inside jokes brings us so much joy, and that is something that we take seriously. (Picture us very intently exclaiming, "We take fun seriously!) We have not and never will sell your information to a third party; everything you tell us is in the strictest confidence and will only be used to make your Bundle. We pinky promise - and you know that's a big deal. 

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