"Put away the books, we're outta school. The weather's warm but we'll play it cool. We're on vacation, havin' lots of fun! V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! In the summer sun!" When we were growing up we would listen to this Connie Francis song countless times as school ended and we began our summer vacations. Our parents always went to great lengths to make our summertime special for us. We didn't always go on extravagant vacations, but we always spent time together as a family and focused on playing games that we made up. No surprise that we ended up running a family business of making personalized board games.

During the summer of 2023, travel is expected to surge. According to Forbes, this is the summer of the "far-cation." Terra Baykal, a senior marketing manager for World Nomads, commented, "The pandemic has shown us that nothing is guaranteed and time is precious - so now is the time to get out there and explore." We are taking this to heart and doing a family vacation to Ireland this summer. It will be the first time in Ireland for most of us, and since we have Irish heritage, we figured it was the perfect place for the Collier family to visit. Plus, we get to take in a Notre Dame game while we are there!

Whether you are staying close to home or going far away, we would love to make you a personalized board game for all of your summer adventures. Our custom game comes in a cloth bag and has an easily foldable board so you can fit it easily into your luggage (or even a small purse). When we were first designing our game, we were using the typical type of box that board games usually come in, but we realized we wanted to be able to easily transport our game anywhere in the world. (And we want you to be able to do that too!)
We hope that Bundle will be a joyful part of your summer plans!