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Virtual Games and the Power of the Pivot

Power of the Pivot Virtual Games Bundle game custom games
Those eyes though.

The last year has challenged people in immeasurable ways and gave them the exciting (and sometimes a little bit scary!) opportunity to pivot in a variety of areas in their lives. With Bundle, we felt very lucky that even when people couldn't gather in person to play board games, we were able to connect online. While we really missed our in person events, having virtual game nights allowed us to interact with people that we might never have met.

We had a great time talking with Jennifer A. Sheffield from Susquehanna Life magazine about our pandemic pivot. Connecting with Jennifer felt like talking with an old friend - we laughed, shared stories about why we love central Pennsylvania so much, and how playing games kept our spirits up while we were staying home and staying safe. We told her all about our Bunker Bundle, which was a great way for us to connect with others over the shared experiences of running out of toilet paper and binge watching Tiger King. (Remember those days?)

Virtual games summertime Bundle games

During the pandemic, we became involved with a wonderful organization called Self-Help. They have a Virtual Senior Center where volunteers can teach and lead classes in a variety of subjects. Of course, we decided that we were going to bring the custom board game fun.

We have done several sessions with Self-Help and we have formed our own little community there with a group of people who uplift us and make us laugh during each session. And when we say laugh, we mean LAUGH.

During our latest session, we were playing a Summertime themed game of Bundle. One of the Group Challenge questions was "Describe your favorite summertime outfit." There were several women at the game night and one man. Each woman began describing her ultimate outfit in perfect detail; it was impressive how descriptive they were - it was almost as though they were fashion designers or Instagram influencers. But then we got to our man of the hour, let's call him John. John confessed that he was having a romantic relationship with one of the women on the Zoom game night and said, "For my summer outfit, I want to show up at my lady's apartment wearing nothing but a speedo."

Jackie was taking a drink of water and immediately did a spit take and Cassie laughed so hard she could barely breathe.

If you're interested in laughing so hard that you don't need to do an ab workout for weeks after, click here for information on how you can volunteer with Self-Help.

We hope that you will have a great start to your summer whether it is filled with in person or virtual connections. Hopefully either way it will be filled with plenty of speedo moments that will make you laugh until you cry.


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A note about privacy:

Here at Bundle, we love sharing in your stories. Making personalized board games with your favorite memories, traditions, and inside jokes brings us so much joy, and that is something that we take seriously. (Picture us very intently exclaiming, "We take fun seriously!) We have not and never will sell your information to a third party; everything you tell us is in the strictest confidence and will only be used to make your Bundle. We pinky promise - and you know that's a big deal. 

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