This year more people are planning to gather in person to celebrate the holiday season. We loved being a part of your virtual gatherings last year and this year we are enjoying creating games for your loved ones to play in person. However, we are always happy to create virtual versions of our games and with Hanukkah fast approaching now is the perfect time to play Virtual Bundle.

Now we don't expect you play Bundle on all eight nights of Hanukkah (although we certainly wouldn't mind if you did) but if you wanted a game for your family or friends to play by the first night of Hanukkah on November 28th, you can click here to order your game and fill out your Bundle Blueprint so we can find out all about your loved ones' memories, traditions, and inside jokes. Is there a long standing debate in your family about who makes the best Sufganiyot? Maybe a rousing came of Bundle can help settle that debate.

So settle in with some potato latkes, curl up in your coziest pajamas, and get your board game on. We want to hear about all of your favorite Hanukkah traditions and memories, so feel free to share them with us by commenting below or messaging us on our Instagram @thebundlegame. We are sending your family and friends peace and light during the holiday season!